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I have heard a story when I was in school, about how tea became popular in Bengal. I don’t know if the story is true or wrong, but I thought I need to share it with you. The story goes something like this:


Once upon a time, the British decided to start tea business in Bengal. They thought, "How can the Bengalis buy tea, where they struggle to make ends meet?" One person came up with a proposal. If the person were alive today, then I would definitely treat him to tea. They announced that everyone would be given free tea + a 5-taka tip. Free tea + 5-taka tip!!!! The Bengalis were so excited that they graved the chance. And so, it happened. Tea became popular in Bengal.

Then the announcement changed. Tea would still be given for free, but this time there would be no tip. But the Bengalis were not going to miss out this chance so easily. This time, instead of just becoming popular, tea became an addiction. Again, the announcement came. This time, you had to buy tea for 5 takas. The Bengalis, who were struggling to make ends meet, started buying tea by money. Cause addiction does not care about the situation.

In this way, the tastes of the Bengalis have changed a lot from generation to generation, but the Bengalis have not been able to give up their addiction to tea. In fact, tea has become a hundred-year-old tradition for the Bengalis. This is how any unfamiliar, undesirable things becomes normal from generation to generation. Not only normal, but also a crime to think of it as abnormal.

The feminism that started its journey with only women’s right to vote, but what situation that now I don’t think I need to explain it. The people of America once hated homosexuality, but as a result of the normalization of homosexuality, this generation is blaming those who are speaking out against homosexuality. Those who once shouted slogans of individual freedom, are now taking away it. Even they are forcing people for forbidding to think against it. Trans-Genderism will soon engulf in such a way that even thinking will be considered as a crime.

So, stop it before the time starts.

Stop it even by force.

Raise your voice wherever you are, make people aware.

At least think about what will happen to the next generation.

If you can’t do that, at least think about your family.

Otherwise, at one point, even thinking about this will be a crime.

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